
I love People.

This was the scentence I wrote on an application in the section asking - Is there anything else we should know about you? Interests? Hobbies? Etc. I was 23, and I wrote - I love people.

I stared at the 5 empty lines following this question. I really wanted this job. A sales job for a local newspaper. I submitted what I thought to be a gorgeous resume. Think Shelli! What else should these people know about me???? AKKK! Heart pounding. How do I summarize Shelli Hawkins? Only so much can come out in an interview. First impressions can be SOOOOOOOOO wrong! GRRRR. I sat in the conference room. Struggling. Nervous.

Then it came to me and I wrote - I love people. My brain starting rolling, and my pen began writing. I love people that are happy, tired, angry, young, old, rich, poor, fat. thin, shy, forward. I.LOVE.PEOPLE. YES! I thought to myself! WHEW!

I got the job.

I was not not always this accepting. There were people on campus I was better than, smarter than, prettier, more confident . . . . let's be honest here, I could really go on and on with this list for a long time. Big smile and wink. I often organized little get-togethers with friends choosing them based on the cool factor.

I clearly remember making a choice in college to shed my prejudice of people / no longer a respecter of persons / a snot / cliquey.
I saw a young lady in the hall one day. In past encounters she branded herself to me as awkward, frumpy, shy, insecure, and I knew she was virtuously friendless. This was her problem -- not mine. Never did I swoop in and help the underdog. I did not have time to help people like that. Zero tolerance. I always felt they simply needed to suck it up, put their big girl panties on and DEAL WITH IT! Whatever IT was. Never mind they could have just lost a dear family member or experienced a horrific tragedy unknown to me. WOW WAS I PREJUDICE!!

I looked at her that day. Really looked in her eyes. I made a choice to talk to her. We became friends. She was complex. She was a slow patient deep thinker. My hyper brain needed someone like this and just perhaps she needed someone like me to pull her out of her shell of insecurity. I threw a party with all my friends and all her friends.

I love meditating on critical moments causing the evolution of my current state. Think about that. Think of 3 impactful moments in your life. A fork in the road. Which way? What is the best choice? And how incredibly filled am I with emotion during this decision making moment clouding every ounce of judgement in my otherwise logical brain. When emotions are aroused, will and intellect cease to exits. 

What prejudices do you have that hold you back from expanding, evolving, maturing, growing up?

On a lighter note - I am thankful I no longer have the fro you see below!! This was a good decision. I chose wisely.

1 comment:

  1. my favorite thing almost about your blog is I heart you talking to me as I read it. also, thank you for not using my name when you shared the story of friending me. i know i'm a slow patient thinker... been trying to change that for years ;) - Natasha
