
Morning Hair

What grabs your attention?
What mesmerizes you?
What captivates your gaze?
What appeals to your visual senses?

An artist will capture an image in their mind and put it into form through their choice of medium. Clay. Charcoal. Oil. Watercolor. Metal. Photography. Bronze. The list could go on. Many people look at a piece of art and wrinkle their nose because their mind perceives a bitter taste upon looking. Not understanding. Quickly passing by. Going on to the next. Hoping for something more appealing to their visual senses. My mind loves art of all kinds. Art is an expression of the heart, soul and mind of the creator artist. We turn our nose up at a piece because we cannot understand its origin. The maker. The artist. The hands transformed as a channel through which this image or concept makes an entrance into the concrete world. All you have to do is stand and look. That's all. Look sans judging. Look at this beautiful image. Beautiful because the artist places all their emotions out there for the entire world to see. Art features a glimpse into the soul of the artist. 

I received a phone call in January 2010 from my close friend Chad and it went something like this -
"HAWKINKS! Call the Appleton Art center and sign up for their pottery class in February! DO IT! What else do we have going on the middle of this never ending Wisconsin winter??"
So, I made a phone call. Signed up. Paid my $120 class fee and waited with anticipation. My brother threw lots of ceramics in college and his stuff turned out great. How hard could it be? Surely I have a shot at this. I bought a book - The Beginners Guide To Pottery by Emily Reason. I watched hours of YouTube videos with beginners and experts throwing. This class EXCITED me! My mind convinced me I would walk out of the class a master potter like Sue our instructor.

Class numero uno. 

Here is the clay. Here is the wheel. Here is what you do to the clay before you throw it. Watch me make a few things. Here are important things to remem . . . . blah blah blah blah. Sue's voice sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher. After all I read the books and watch the videos and knew everything she was saying ALREADY! I JUST WANTED TO THROW SOME CLAY! So, I hunkered down in this short chair built for a 1st grader. Legs straddling the wheel like playing the cello. I was ready! Clay in hand I SMACKED it HARD against the wheel. My right foot controlled the speed of the wheel and she was in first gear now baby! Mmm Hmm! We were cookin! Dipping my hands in the water bucket, I attempted my first little baby bowl. Just a bowl. Not a plate or teapot or planter or vase. Just.A.Bowl. It turned out horrid. I was SOOOOOOO mad at myself!

I cleaned up my work station and went over to the side tables to do some pinching. Pinching is rolling the clay out and forming things by hand. I pinched the little tiny teacup pictured below.

That class was an amazing realization to me of this frustration buried deep inside I had never seen surface. WOAH! Chill out Shelli! It's only pottery. I just love this little mug. It reminds me of that day and the emotion I felt. It may not look like much to you but, to me it means the world.

People around me are like art. I look at them. Observe them. Decide if I want to talk to them. Rarely do I think how they will respond when I approach them uninvited. In my social mind EVERYONE loves conversation. In my loving mind EVERYONE wants to feel care. In my compassionate mind EVERYONE wants an ear to listen. And here comes Shelli Hawkins! Let the conversation begin!

I noticed a couple in the first class. My impression of Beth was graceful, quiet, a listener. My impression of Mark was explosive energy. I started talking to them and found out Mark was a community leader and Beth was a fantastically talented photographer and owned Trove Photoraphy. Mark and Beth helped me make one of the most life changing decisions of my adult life. They are amazing people and I love them with all my heart. I am glad I made a choice to talk to them that day.

The next time you're in a mad rush at the store or mall, take a second and notice the people around you. What are they subconsciously communicating? Say hello. Do it. What could it hurt? You could make a friend for life. 

Look at the art around you in the people that surround you.


The picture below is one of my favorites I shot randomly bouncing around the studio giving others a chance at the wheel.

I title this piece of art
Morning Hair

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