I attended a wedding last December where I spotted a mustache to end all mustaches. The groom's friend Craig had grown this thing out just for him. It was robust enough to be parted in the middle, along with the ends being waxed and twisted. But this mustache was LOADED with character. It was LIGHT RED in color and THICK. I'm pretty sure you could have hid a small child in there. When I saw his mustache, I felt like I was being slowly drawn in tractor beam style. This baby had what we call in the mustache world MACHISMO! Machismo is defined as having strong or aggressive masculine pride.
I view facial hair on men as a basic expression of masculinity. The information below confirms my hunches . . .
Dr. Daniel G. Freedman, of the University of Chicago, did research on the reproductive value of male beardedness. To test his theory, Dr. Freedman and his graduate students asked a group of undergraduates of their feelings about beardedness by giving them questionnaires and interviewing them. Furthermore, one of the graduate students interviewed seven women about their feelings toward men with beards. The female students rated a bearded male face as more masculine, independent, sophisticated and mature compared to a clean-shaven male face. They concluded from their studies that a beard increases “sexual magnetism” and attractiveness and makes men more appealing to women. The presence of a beard makes a man appear more masculine to a woman, and she feels more feminine towards him.
My second stumbling over amazing facial hair was early one morning in the gym, on the treadmill, watching ESPN pro baseball highlights. They showed a clip of the Giant's closing pitcher, Mr. Brian Wilson. My eyes widened and I nearly fell off the treadmill because I forgot to stop running. I was just amazed. Pure and simple. If you are a male with facial hair you get a few more brownie points in my book!

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